Assignments & ProjectsWelcome back to another wonderful year of music at CHS. Please ensure you have done the following this year to be successful:
1. Connected to your new Remind class on your phone/device. ** see Remind setup document 2. Complete and submit your registration form and pay your $40 CHSBPA fee to: [email protected] (e-transfer encouraged) 3. Sign up for your new Google Classroom - see Google Classroom setup 4. Ensure you have your own personal instrument at class, or have signed out a rental instrument from me. You MUST have a rental agreement form signed by you and your parents to use one of the RVS district instruments. 5. Sign out your music method book from the LC on your own if you did not do so in class. Don't forget your ID 6. Be patient and flexible as we start the year and get everything set properly on PS. Marks will be updated by the first weeks in October and every two weeks after that. 7. Check Remind, Google Classroom, and this website often for updates and news 8. Link the CHS Music Calendar and English/Band or PE9/Band9 calendar to your phone/devices 9. Get involved and participate in extra ensembles and events! 10. HAVE AN AMAZING YEAR & HAVE FUN! :) GOOGLE CLASSROOM SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS: Please visit and enter the code below to be signed up for Google Classroom. Google Classroom Codes 2023-2024: Grade 9 Band: chsmusic9 Grade 10 Band: chsband10 Grade 11&12 Bands: CHSsrband Symphonic Band: chs-sband Senior Jazz 1: chs-jazz1 Junior Jazz 2: chs-jazz2 Pit Orchestra: chspit ROAMS music students: musicroams CHS Music Parents: chsbmomdad Musical Theatre: 2023beauty ** Details of all playing assessments and other assignments will be available in your Google Classroom Remind Messaging & Google Classroom Setup
Handouts & Documents:)