All early band classes begin on Tuesday, September 13th, 2022
** These ensembles are 5 credit J-Block courses that run outside the regular school schedule - Senior jazz (Tuesdays) at 7:15 - 8:50 am - Symphonic Band (All Grade 10 - 12 band students! - Wednesdays) at 7:15 - 8:50 am - Junior Jazz (Thursdays) at 7:15 - 8:50 am - Pit Orchestra (Fridays from 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm and some Mondays at 7:15 - 8:50 am) - Choir (Wednesdays) from 3:45 - 5:30 pm
We want to start out by saying Congratulations to each and every one of you. It was an absolute joy to teach you and we are so incredibly proud of you. Grade 12s, please keep in touch and bring us a grad photo (if you can).
Everyone, please help us out by taking care of a few housekeeping items before you sign off for the year. 😊
Thank you again for being such incredible students and human beings. You make teaching a joy and a privilege. We will miss you dearly here at CHS. Enjoy a wonderful summer break and all the best for the next amazing steps in life. There are three current fundraising opportunities available for your family.
Safeway Denominations of $50, $100 Discount of 5% PC/Loblaws Denominations of $50, $100, $200 Discount of 3% Save-On Denominations of $50, $100 Discount of 6%
Each student receives 2 free tickets to our concert.
If you wish to have additional tickets, they will be on a first come first serve basis by email. Please email me at [email protected] to put in a request. Tickets for the 6:00 pm JUNIOR music concert; Tickets for the 8:00 pm SENIOR music concert: Our Winter concert is Friday, December 3rd.
Details will be posted here asap. Junior concert @ 6pm Senior Concert @ 7:30 pm 1-2 tickets per student at this point due to restrictions. Tickets are free. ** Please check back later this week for detailed updates. Thank you :) Senior Jazz has been moved to this Friday, November 26 @ 7:15 - 8:50 am.
Thanks so much for your help ensuring our ensemble is successful. :) Mrs. W Purdy's Fundraising is well underway.
** Students have their own unique link for family and friends to order chocolates through.
Contact a Performing Arts Student for tickets! We have limited the audience due to Covid restrictions. We can only offer limited amount of tickets to the families and friends of students in the show. Sadly, we will not be open to the general public.
Thank you for your support. These kids are doing amazing!!! We can't wait to share our show with you. A friendly reminder of our musical theatre intensive workshop this weekend for all cast, pit orchestra and crew members.
Friday, October 1, 2021 from 2:00 pm - 9:30pm Saturday, October 2, 2021 from 9:00 am - 7:00 pm ** Forms are past due and are required to participate in the event. ** Please bring a water bottle, snacks, comfy clothes, all of your equipment, music, scripts, and meals if you are not participating in the pre-ordered meals. We are looking forward to a fun and productive weekend together. :) Welcome to another wonderful year in the CHS Music program. I am thoroughly looking forward to all the amazing things this year can hold. I am so proud of you all and can't wait to continue making music together. Please find attached below, some very important program information: - September & October Calendars - CHSBPA Parent Meeting Information - CHSBPA student Registration & Fee form - Remind and Google Classroom Code instructions