Please see below all of the handouts that were given out during the parent meeting on Sept 26 Some important tasks to complete as a family (thank you in advance): 1. Sign in to CHARMS and register/update your information. This is the website/system we use to keep track of student account, fundraising money, etc. Your password is your child's student ID, and then you need to change it to a password you will SHARE with your child 2. Sign up for Remind Messaging (information/instructions are in the blog previous to this) 3. Complete your CHSBPA registration form with your cheque for $40 and hand it into Mrs. Waterbury or Mr. Talen to put in the CHSBPA's safe in the music office. 4. Register/sign up for Google Classroom for your assignments and playing tests. There is a playing test due Oct 3 for Grade 10 - 12 band students, and has already been a playing test for the 9's. 5. Ensure you have received emails from me. If not, you need to update/fix your information in PowerSchool and let me know when you have done so, so I can update it on my end as well. 6. Participate in our awesome fundraisers (Grocery cards, ADmazing coupon books, Apples) 7. For returning students, Try on and/or find your uniform and let us know ASAP if you need something that doesn't fit anymore, or if you've lost something. If you are new, make sure you've been sized for a uniform! Contact us ASAP if you have not been sized. 8. There will be a survey going out about our Halifax tour next week. Please make sure you answer the survey for us by Friday at the latest. Thank you so much for your help! 9. Sync the Google Calendars (CHS Music and English/Band calendar) to your devices/google calendar. These calendars are found on our calendars tab on this website. 10. Please ensure you have submitted an instrument rental form to us by Tuesday at the latest for any percussionists, string bass players, or students renting instruments from the school/district. Student rental charges will be updated/added to your school fees sent out by the school. Percussion and string bass students are charged for the use of the classroom equipment. ** We could use two/three parents to help on our parent board and/or helping with some fundraisers. If you are able to help in any way, please contact the Parent board at: [email protected] Thank you so much! Mrs. Waterbury & Mr. Talen ![]()
Welcome back to another wonderful year of music at CHS. Please ensure you have done the following this year to be successful: 1. Connected to your new Remind class on your phone/device. I have unregistered you from last year's sections, you need to re-register for all classes & ensembles! - see Remind setup 2. Updated all of your information on CHARMS and pay your CHSBPA fee 3. Sign up for your new Google Classroom - see Google Classroom setup 4. Ensure you have your own personal instrument at class, or have signed out a rental instrument from me. You MUST have a rental agreement form signed by you and your parents to use one 5. Sign out your music theory book from the LC on your own. Don't forget your ID 6. Be patient and flexible as we start the year and get everything set properly on PS. This will take some time to get your registered in all of your proper classes and get me registered as a teacher again. 7. Check Remind and this website often for updates and news 8. Link the CHS Music Calendar and English/Band calendar to your phone/devices 9. Get involved and participate in extra ensembles and events! 10. HAVE AN AMAZING YEAR! :) GOOGLE CLASSROOM SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS: Please visit and enter the code below to be signed up for Google Classroom. Grade 10 Code: 4vpg8ld Grade 11 Code: wgxh927 Grade 12 Code: jav44gk Symphonic Band: v98ugwh Jazz 1: k9hche3 Jazz 2: d94o75t Pit orchestra: oqwosc5 ** Details of all playing tests and assignments will be available in your Google Classroom Thank you so much, Ms. Hazelwanter ![]()