Good afternoon music families,
We've had an exciting week here at Cochrane High School. We've been learning pieces we cannot wait to debut to you at our concerts, and both Vic Lewis and the Pumpkin Lantern Festival. Later today we have our band clinics with professional musicians from Calgary and the surrounding area, and next week we have our grade 10-12 workshop with Dr. Dale Lonis. To read more about Dr. Lonis, his career and accolades, please reference the link below. Dr. Dale Lonis A reminder that orders for Performance Art swag are due today. If you have not yet submitted your order, please click the link below and fill out the appropriate information. The cost of each individual's clothing order will be put onto School Cash Online after today and can be paid sometime next week. Clothing Form The consent form, emergency contact form, and optional Vic Lewis clothing forms have been sent home through email and the students and are due on October 2nd next week. Have a wonderful weekend! Ms. Hazelwanter
Good afternoon music families! The time for the Vic Lewis Music Festival is drawing near! Please find below our field trip consent form, which needs to be signed and returned as soon as possible (I've set the date for Oct. 2nd). After Oct. 2, if your form has been handed in, you will find the trip on School Cash Online. Please fill out the appropriate information on and sign the 'Student Code of Conduct' form - students must sign as well. If interested, the organizers behind Vic Lewis sell merchandise. The swag photo and form have been attached as well. I need to pass on the shirt order form at the latest by Friday, October 4th. $15 T-shirt $20 Long sleeve T $35 Hoodie If paying by cheque, please make cheques payable to Mountain Arts Foundation. **REMINDER -- Start-up band clinics this Friday, September 27th 2-3:30 pm! ![]()
Hello lovely band families,
A reminder that our CHSBPA Parent Info Night and AGM is happening this evening. Please meet us in the theatre at 7:00 pm, where you will receive important information about this years events, activities, fundraisers, trips, ways to volunteer, and much more. Mr. Whetton will even speak about the PA Trip to New York if you'd like more information on that. Good Afternoon!
We will be doing a clothing order for all students who participate in any of the Performing Arts programs offered at Cochrane High School, i.e., choir, band, theatre, etc. Orders are due September 27, 2019 by 3:30 PM. All payments can be made after September 27th. Once orders have been collected the individual costs will be posted onto School Cash Online for payment. Sweat Pants cost $50. Hoodies start $50 and include the performing arts crest on the chest and the students last name on the sleeve. The addition of program embroidery is $5/ program added, i.e., the addition of Technical Theatre, Band, and Choir would cost $15 plus the cost of the hoodie. The subtotal of the hoodie order would be $65. Family members are welcome to purchase hoodies for themselves. We will add items such as; Mom, Dad, Grandmother, Sister, etc., to the hoodie. If you have any questions about the clothing order, please contact Ms. Hazelwanter, Mr.Talen, or Mr. Whetton. Please complete the form; Clothing Form Welcome back to another wonderful year of music at CHS. Please ensure you have done the following this year to be successful: 1. Connected to your new Remind class on your phone/device. I have unregistered you from last year's sections, you need to re-register for all classes & ensembles! - see Remind setup 2. Updated all of your information on CHARMS and pay your CHSBPA fee 3. Sign up for your new Google Classroom - see Google Classroom setup 4. Ensure you have your own personal instrument at class, or have signed out a rental instrument from me. You MUST have a rental agreement form signed by you and your parents to use one 5. Sign out your music theory book from the LC on your own. Don't forget your ID 6. Be patient and flexible as we start the year and get everything set properly on PS. This will take some time to get your registered in all of your proper classes and get me registered as a teacher again. 7. Check Remind and this website often for updates and news 8. Link the CHS Music Calendar and English/Band calendar to your phone/devices 9. Get involved and participate in extra ensembles and events! 10. HAVE AN AMAZING YEAR! :) GOOGLE CLASSROOM SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS: Please visit and enter the code below to be signed up for Google Classroom. Grade 10 Code: u1mj5ep Grade 11/12 Code: 1ojoqj Symphonic Band: cwbll Jazz 1:: lvgcnd Jazz 2: 4009cn Pit Orchestra: 8qfnlhx ** Details of all playing tests and assignments will be available in your Google Classroom ![]()